Thread: Yard freaks
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      04-04-2021, 11:05 PM   #1140
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Originally Posted by F10c550i View Post
Hey sorry if i missed some posts, i just saw this thread and wanted to chine in. What area do you live in?

Based on your images, you definitely have a soil compactuon/nutrient deficient lawn. If you aerate and apply some wetting agent, you will absolutely get turf going in those spots. You unfortunately, do not have a summer turf which will spread like Bermuda, kikuyia, st Augustine, so you will have to overseed it with Rye.

Many people on here mention overseeding as it is common scross the country, but based on your landscape it is not necessarily needed. Others overseed because they have perennial summer grass which goes dormant in the winter. They have no choice but to overseed with a perennial or even an annual rye so theh have green grass in the winter.

You appewr to be somewhere warm enough in the winter where you can have mildly green truf all year without overseeding.
thanks for the insight! i live in south orange county, ca, so plenty of sun. one of the things i was discussing earlier in the thread was my house blocks much of the sun in the backyard. the grass tends to stay green regardless, but i have to watch the watering, otherwise the grass nearest to the house becomes a mud pit and the dogs tear it up pretty easily without trying.
another factor, is we have two big german shepherds. they tend to urinate on the outer edges of the yard which contributes to the patchy grass.
we did have a squirrel burrough in an area that sunk in, but i leveled it off somewhat.
i have been thinking about aeration... not sure if i should do the kind that removes plugs, or just spikes and pierces the ground.
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